Well, a few days ago I told my friend, who's best friend I like about my dream. It had to do with the girl I like, so this is what I got back:
';and about ur dream. AWWWWWWWWWWWW. lol thats so cutee:] you like her dont you! i knew it! hehe';
and I responded telling her how she doesn't like me..
this is what I got then:
';andd, what if she did like you hmm? than what? lol';
So then i told her how I don't know what I'd do..and I said she doesn't like me......
..does she?
Then I got this back:
';and hmmmmmmmmm i wonder if she does :/ maybe i'll askk...you never know..if she did...
you'd like that wouldnt you? aloooot. hehe';
I'm so confused D:
I emailed her telling her that she doesn't have to ask [which i regret] and then I emailed her another one asking what the girl I liked said [stupid, i know]..and she never responded yet :\Girls: Help me decode this 'girl talk'?
don't even bother with this. If it's confusing head-games to begin with, it's not going to get any better. You sound young- you have your whole life ahead of you. Wait for a time when you and the girl you like can be straight-forward about your feelings... not having to talk indirectly to her best friend. It's a double no-no!Girls: Help me decode this 'girl talk'?
I think your friend is playing with you - which isn't nice.
She might like YOU honestly, from the way she's acting...
i think ur girl likes u
and i think ur other girl likes u
and the one texthing/emailing/IMing you is J E A L O U S
It sounds like your friend likes you.
Well, she means well, but this should teach you a lesson. Somethings are better left to yourself. You don't have to share everything. Now who knows what she'll say to this girl of your dreams...
I think the chick likes ya. She's probably with the friend and they are reading it together. Take a chance man.
She's Jealous!
It was pretty much a test and she was probably thrilled when you emailed her telling her not to ask.
then probably cried when you emailed asking what happened.
And she's kicking herself for bringing it up in the first place.
Answer my question?
duh! she's (ur friend) likes u! the reason y she hasn't responded yet is cuz she jealous!
I think neither of them likes you and you are being set up for a fall. Get used to it, it can happen over and over again.
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