Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to talk to girls?

hey guys, im 15 years old and im having some problems with confidence at school and talking to wondering if anyone can help me with this, tips anything would be helpful. im not ugly, i work out im 6ft and there's something where i can not talk to girls. please help!How to talk to girls?
just talk about music, or movies, teachers, upcoming test........ etc. try not to act cool, beacause girls hate that. just be yourself,How to talk to girls?
just be yourself! seriously. if you see a girl you like pass by her and say yo whats up and smile. if she ignores you DONT LET IT HURT YOU just keep moving forward.
You're scared of getting rejected and having to see those girls every day. You need to try to talk to random girls that do not go to your school. Try a mall or a restaurant or bar. Remember that rejection is a part of every guys life. Expect it. It's how you learn.

Once you figure out your own style and what works for you, you'll be well prepared to talk to the girls at your own school.
just be yourself. be sweet!

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