Thursday, October 21, 2010

How do you come up with stuff to talk to girls about?

How do you come up with stuff to talk to girls about? And how do you get the conversation to easily flow?How do you come up with stuff to talk to girls about?
Listen.How do you come up with stuff to talk to girls about?
it just happens, you just got to go with the flow.
talk about something you both like!
just keep talking about them
it comes with confidence
Talk about her interests, your interests..

it will come naturally. once you get a topic picked it should flow from there... and if it gets awkward then you know it always will be
with dificulty
If you're ripped, bring up muscles.

Gets them every time.
talk about twilight.

fastest way to get in her pants
Just simple things like what are you up to this weekend, um just anything really just as long as it doesnt make the convo awkward.

ask them stuff about them selves then just keep them talking about themselves and youll have a conversation for hours just agree and nod your head
When in doubt, ask the girl about herself. We like talking about ourselves...and it shows that you're interested. What's your favorite color? what's your favorite food? what do you do in your free time? what kind of movies do you like? etc....
i have the same problem man.!
When your talking either think of a joke or an inside joke that you two have
you just talk to us with respect and don't crack too many lame jokes haha
well ima girl, and i want guys to talk about their life. haha
if you're having trouble talking to a girl that's usually a sign that she's not entirely right for you

BUT...i've played that game before..and i usually talk about things i've done matter how insignificant they may what happened when i took my dog for a walk, etc. lol
i always had problems with that. but i started wrighting stuff down that i thought about during the day.
All I know is I really like when a guy will tell me about himself.. but also ask me about MYSELF.. like what I like to do.. where I'm going to college and what my future plans are, etc. This shows you're interested in her and not just narcissistic. And it's always easier to talk to a girl if you have a class with her or work with her and you can make dumb conversation like ..';our boss was such a jerk today'; or something little you two can laugh about.
im a girl so girls like complements and they love a guy who has the courage to say i like your hair or i lovee your clothes. i do. also when u talk to her talk to her i the eyes
lol man im in your same position. But i guess you just talk about things you like, or she likes, or that you've recently done something, or if she has, then just go from there. if that fails, come up with any random thing. Im serious. ';Hey do you like cars?';
you can go to How To Talk To Girls At Parties (Text). ';Come on,'; said Vic. .... The place was filling up. There were more girls dancing, and several lads I didn't know, ...

And you can go to google to look about this Question.
lol, just dont think about it, it just happens. just be yourself and you will find that you wont talk to ladies any different than your friends. i had the same problem back in the day but you just have to realize that they are just normal human beings.
Females like to talk about their own interests. Open with the usual greeting and then just ask her about what movies she like, what music she listens to, and where she likes to ';hang out.'; I bet you will find out something you have in common and discuss. For example, you might discover you both really like the same local band, which gives you a great opening for a date idea.
Be random. It's not really about what you say, it's about how you say them and what your intentions are.
good question,if you find out, let me know. lol

girls like talkng about themselves, you should just ask questions to make them talk.

good luck
It's easy, just drop your pants
Tell her she looks pretty. :)

Ask her questions about herself.

Get to know her.

Remember everything she says and keep it as an idea for a convo topic next time you talk to her.

Tell her stuff about you. But don't be conceited. That's disgusting.
first talk to her and find out what she like and what shes interested in and then she'll prolly do the same to you.

Then you'll find out the things you have in common and you can talk about that.

Just make sure you don't start gettin on her nerves by asking too many questions.

One way you can test this out is to one of her texts just reply lol or something short like that and if she texts back then she wants to talk. if not, then wait til later on in the day and give her a break and text her back then.
Usually you can start by paying compliments to the stuff they're wearing. ALL chicks love talking about clothes and fashion. They might have a cool makeup lunchbox or something, or a cool ring that has a lion's head with diamonds in its eyes or something. You can even say that their makeup is sexy (only the brave can pull this off right) or they have cool hair color or something.

Girls tend to like: fashion, makeup and cell phones. Start a conversation on one of those topics and get her to start talking.

It's best if you let the girl do the talking. You can, as a guy, tune her out and start checking out her body (sleazy, I know) but you'll find that most girls dig that kind of attention. If she's really into it, she'll start talking about herself, and that's really what you want to talk about, isn't it?
Ask questions and get her talking. Your main job is to listen. sorry, it's true. Keep the conversation going by ellaborating on your answers - one or two word answers are not allowed. Those are two important rules - can't tell you anymore secret rules. LOL
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