Thursday, October 28, 2010

How in the world do I talk to college girls (preferably ladies in college)?

who I have never met before? In light of recent (crappy) events, I have decided to try talking to girls who I have never met before but seen on a few occasions, seeing as how the girls I know now only see me as a friend (or have boyfriends already) or I have no interest in.

For instance, I see a girl who I find to be attractive by herself or something, how would I go about striking up a conversation with her? I can talk to girls that live in the same building as I do, that's easy, but talking to girls that I have virtually nothing else in common with is another problem. So, can someone tell me how to accomplish this task? How in the world do I talk to college girls (preferably ladies in college)?
Ask her about something class related. Check out what boos she's carrying and comment on that. Do not comment on her shoes or jewelry. She'll think you're gay.How in the world do I talk to college girls (preferably ladies in college)?
just walk up and say hey and if your at a school ask what shes going to school for or use your surroundings to think of a question to start the conversation.
Be natural not creepy, compliment a piece of jewelery or something simple to go with, watch how she reacts if she looks creeped out and doesn't respond, move on
Have a look at her and pick something to comment on - if she's got really nice shoes, comment on them. But don't be complimentary, be funny. Say something like, ';Those are unusual, where did you find them, at the antique store?'; Give her a wink, then wait a couple of seconds. And move on. You'll have her attention and she'll be wanting to know more about this guy who is brave enough and shows such confidence to not worry about ';impressing'; her like all the other wimps out there. She'll then be trying to make the conversation with you. Keep it light, don't compliment her, and keep up the hassling her in a funny way. Never be mean, just show that you are interesting, and she'll find the way to talk to you. Keep the conversation short at first - usually no more than five minutes. Make sure you cut off (end) the conversation. And leave with her phone number.

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