Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to talk to girls in High School?

How can i talk to/make friends with girls in high school. As it seems everyone has their own groups of friends and dont really expand with ';outsiders';, what can i do?How to talk to girls in High School?
My personal experience with this is just to be totally up front. Just go up to them and say hi. That is a good place to start. Remember, dont appear nervous. Dont appear TOO confident either. Just go say ';hey hows it going.'; Then begin small talk. ';How do you like that teacher Mr/mrs ________'; ';Im dying in this heat. How about you?';

After you get ';in'; with the group, (im assuming there is ONE girl) get to know the girl you like pretty well before confessing your undying passion for her. Be honorable. Offer to help her do things, if she needs it. Learn some jokes, and tell them. Don't go into the relationship looking for sex. Thats an immediate death sentence if she finds out.

Finally, just be polite. If everyone had just the slightest shred of common courtesy, the world would get by so much easier.

Take it from me. I used to be the biggest nerd in school. Now, I date the prom queen. (not even kidding....we just got past our second year without any breakups this past march)How to talk to girls in High School?
Just talk to them. The more you think about it, the harder it becomes because you get yourself so worked up and nervous. Girls are simpler than you think; all you need to know is that the confident guys stand out to us. You don't need to be funny or good looking (though that helps quite a bit), all you really need is an ego.

Well, it really depends. Every boy can talk to girls but some are more shy than others. The simple answer: Be yourself.

BTW What do you mean by ';outsider';? Like new in the school or new in a country?
Honestly, you just need to man up and talk to them. Girls aren't that different then everyone else. Hold a conversation with a girl just like she's one of your guy friends. Just be careful with what you say because some things aren't as funny when your saying them to a girl. Most important be confident. Don't let her know your scared or nervous. Just because one girl doesn't like you isn't the end of your life.

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