Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do i move past small talk and make friends with the girls at work?

i work at a store where mostly girls work. i'll hear different girls talking saying things like ';yeah text/call me later about it!'; or talking about their weekend with each other...you know, MORE than small talk.

i like all the girls that i work with, and they like me, but it just seems like they dont approach me the same. :( i am kind of quiet (not really though)...do you think they see me as boring or something? we talk all day, but it never leaves the work place.

how do i take our friendship to the next level?How do i move past small talk and make friends with the girls at work?
I think you might need to give it time - and maybe because you're a guy, they feel it's a different ';friendship';. Maybe they're hanging out with each other and their boyfriends and they don't want you to feel like the odd one...Also, women have a bond - like shopping and discussing MEN which they don't want to tell other guys about. So don't take it personally. If you want them to be more friendly with you, invite them all out for drinks, ask them how they spent their weekends and find something common with them so they WANT to talk to you about more than menial things.

You can't force them to be your friend, either. If they simply don't have anything to talk to you about - such as their menstrual cycles or last night's hot date with Mr. Sexy, you might want to wait until they're ready to talk you on a personal level.

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